Supply Chain Intelligence and Sales Opportunities

Uncover Supply Chain Risks and New Sales Opportunities with AI-Powered Real-Time Monitoring of News from Across the World.

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Market Intelligence

Unlock sales opportunities with our platform, enabling real-time discovery of projects, tenders, and valuable leads across diverse industries such as Energy, Chemicals, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, and more.

Competitive Intelligence

Gain valuable insights that enable you to comprehensively analyze competitor strategies, market trends and industry developments. Make well-founded decisions and secure a decisive competitive advantage.

Risk Intelligence

Identify risks in the market environment early with comprehensive analysis and real-time data. Recognize critical risks such as cyber threats and ESG-related issues, and make proactive decisions to safeguard your business.

Supply Chain Intelligence

Manage risks across your entire supply chain, ensuring full compliance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and other key regulations.

Trusted by

Rittal KROHNE Schneider Electric YENA Engineering Bertsch Handtmann

AI Powered Knowledge Graph

Uncover supply chain relationships and sales opportunities with our AI-driven Knowledge Graph, powered by cutting-edge technology, connecting real-world entities like organizations, people, and places.


Streamline your access to news and analytics data with our intuitive API, empowering your data and analyst teams with seamless integration and efficient, real-time data retrieval.

AI Pipeline

Unlocking the business insights hidden within news content typically demands a team of engineers and data scientists. Our AI-powered end-to-end pipeline streamlines this process by aggregating, analyzing, and delivering global news as clean, structured data feeds ready for seamless integration.

GraphQL Interface

Our GraphQL interface offers a flexible and efficient way for users to query our enriched news data. With GraphQL, you can precisely request the data you need all within a single query. This reduces the amount of data transferred and speeds up integration. The interface is intuitive, allowing developers to easily explore and retrieve complex data structures, making it an ideal solution for integrating comprehensive news insights into your applications.

Structured JSON Output

Easily build news-driven applications, models, and processes with our News API, providing seamless access to news content and data—no need for complex scrapers or custom pipelines.


Our satisfied customers speak for us.

“ is a great platform that provides real-time business insights from publicly available sources in all relevant industries. It saves us a lot of time in researching and analyzing announced and future projects in South Korea locally and in North America involving South Korean contractors. The hits are structured and clearly listed.”

Annie Jeong
Marketing Manager at one of the global manufacturing companies in Germany

“The AI-based platform is easy to use and offers a wide range of features. helps us stay informed about current projects and investments and ensures we don’t miss out on the latest industry insights. The proactive support service enables us to select interesting projects that are then worked out in detail.”

Marius Walski
Op. Sales Manager Inside Sales Industries at Schneider Electric - Lead Management


Unlock a wealth of actionable information by harnessing the power of our AI-based algorithm. Our comprehensive platform provides real-time screening of articles and publications from local and regional newspapers, and digital magazines. Identify potential supply chain risks and uncover lucrative sales opportunities, all in a single, intelligent interface. We cover all large and high-turnover industries including Power, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Industrial Manufacturing, Automotive, Transportation, Food & Beverage, Agriculture & Farming, Mining & Metals, Textile, Construction & Infrastructure, Pharmaceutical & Biotech, Water & Wastewater, IT & Telecommunications, Banking & Insurance.

Harness the Power of Cutting-Edge AI

Experience the transformative capabilities of our unique algorithm that tirelessly scours the vast expanse of the World Wide Web. Seamlessly navigating through hundreds of thousands of articles in real-time, our AI technology empowers you to detect supply chain risks promptly, as well as stay updated on new projects and developments related to existing risks. And to further enhance your business’s potential, we offer AI Consulting & Services, providing expert guidance and support in leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence for your specific needs. Let our AI Consulting & Services propel your organization to new heights, ensuring you gain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving market.

Navigate the Depths of our AI Powered Knowledge Graph

At, our foundation lies in an intelligent knowledge graph fueled by cutting-edge AI technology. This robust framework encompasses a rich network of real-world entities, including organizations, people, and places. By harnessing the capabilities of our knowledge graph, we unlock the ability to unveil hidden relationships within supply chains, uncovering invaluable insights and illuminating exciting sales opportunities that would have otherwise remained concealed. Experience the true potential of our AI-driven knowledge graph and revolutionize the way you navigate the business landscape.

Seize the Moment: Unleash the Potential of Early Engagement

Maximize your acquisition potential by leveraging the early stages of announced projects. Be one step ahead of your competitors by proactively engaging in the process and highlighting the added value and USPs of your products and services. Secure RFQ (Request for Quotation) documents as soon as they are available, and even assist the customer in defining them. Don’t miss the chance to make a lasting impression and ensure success in the marketplace.

Safeguard Human Rights and the Environment: Comprehensive Risk Coverage

At, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to addressing risks outlined in the LkSG (German Supply Chain Act), as well as the CSDDD (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) and CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). With our unparalleled AI models, meticulously trained on the content of these regulations, we ensure comprehensive coverage of all subjects pertaining to human rights, environmental protection, and corporate sustainability within global supply chains. Our commitment lies in bolstering safeguards and upholding ethical standards, enabling you to confidently navigate supply chain risks and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Introducing the interdisciplinary AI-team at, where brilliant minds from diverse fields converge to engineer groundbreaking ideas and seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art technologies into reality.

Fatih Gedikli

Prof. Dr.

Fatih Gedikli



Enes Gedikli

Enes Gedikli


Sales & Marketing

Ali Gedikli


Ali Gedikli


Data Engineer

Noah Janzen

Noah Janzen

Software Engineer

Andy Schmidt

Andy Schmidt


Software Architect


14 Industries
500000 Sources
25000 Risks per Month
15000 Opportunities per Month

Get in touch

Experience the power of our solutions firsthand by reaching out to us for a complimentary demo. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to connect with you promptly and provide personalized assistance.

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